Here seguto of schemes with modifications to be made:

those with the changes.

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As you can see the box, the changes to be done, to mount the 2A3, are few and simple. One main thing would be to split the power to increase the channel separation and power. First, you must, obvious,, to procure a pair of 2A3, their hooves
and a pair of resistors to lower the tensioned filament from 6.3 to 2.5 volts. 1) The resistor RF is calculated using Ohm's law taking into account that some power is lost in the links. However, as a reference, you can use the 1-ohm resistors 10 watts, the valve will be a little sottoaccesa but should work equally well enough. 2) The point of the 2A3, here Sbizzaritevi Vol.! Even here, as a reference, you can use , as the value of RK, a 820 ohm 2 watt resistor here and have fun
to decrease or increase the value until you reach the optimum. 3) For CK can fit any capacitor low-impedance value between 100 and 470 uF 35V (to save can recover from an old switching power supply).
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The original design was done by New Electronics
The kit number is LX.1240 KIT
E 'described the number 182 of the magazine "Nuova Elettronica"
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Warning: proposed amendments have absolutely the purpose of devaluing the product, already high
quality, new electronics. They are designed only to adapt the tone of the apparatus with their personal tastes
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