Males for recycling, self-sufficient women. Other than the weaker sex, the female body is designed to better withstand shocks "organic" life, according to a study by the University of Newcastle, UK.
Tom Kirkwood's hypothesis, researchers of the British, published in American Scientist, is that the body of the woman is able to run a mobile phone service more efficient than the male.
That is the reason why, at all latitudes, the life expectancy of women exceeds that of the other half of the sky: in Italy women beat the men by far, one with an average age of 84 years vs 78 .
"Our DNA is programmed to optimize resources for reproduction," says Kirkwood. The main task of the genetic blueprint that is female and "the health of the machine-woman is very important for the development of the fetus first and then the child. Why, then, males are more fragile? "The role of man - sentence the expert - is less dependent on his health."
Source: AGI
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