Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Can Phenergan Get You High?


Having behind a generation of diabetics in the family and not to run in
disease 'as possible. 'Cause a healthy lifestyle can' delete The doomed by our genes. With such healthy habits can improve the ability 'mnemonic that will have our children, eliminate their possible predisposition to diabetes or obesity'. But even with negative attitudes, to promote the onset of disease. This discovery, the result of numerous scientific research and its implications for the human race have been discussed for the first time in Italy at the XVII Congress of the Societa 'Italian of Neuropsychopharmacology (Sinpf), which was held in Cagliari up to 25 September.

E 'was the' Time 'in February 2010, anticipating the conclusions of epigenetics, the science that studies the genetic codes. But already 'in 2009' Journal of Neuroscience 'had published a study which showed that lifestyle could improve memory through the generations.

Underlying this as an experiment conducted on a group of mice with memory problems, and that 'was exposed to an environment rich in visual stimuli and
toys. Surprisingly, the offspring of these rodents' born with a level of long-term memory far superior to that of their parents, although not subject to the same stimuli.

sull''European According to another study published in Journal of Human Genetics' and conducted by University College London, the behaviors of parents influence the function of genes of the children. Who has a father who started age to smoke in 'prepubertal see such increased base their body mass index compared to their peers, so running a greater risk of becoming obese by

Again, the oncologists at Duke University in North Carolina, conducted an experiment on some laboratory mice failed to show that, in turn, can
power 'to intervene on the mutation of genes in a group of pregnant mice, genetically predisposed to obesity ', diabetes and a yellow fur, and' was fed a diet rich in B vitamins The study showed that the puppies were born shortly after, they were perfectly healthy, with brown hair and arranged it 'obesity' ne ' diabetes.

Two other studies reported from the 'Time' confirm the effects of lifestyle on the genes: the results of a work, in particular, indicate that children of women who during pregnancy were not fed properly may be subject to heart problems or an early death. A second study, however, shows that 'can change the appearance of future generations in a sample of mosquitoes which' was given a drug that causes growths on the eyes, in fact, the aesthetic effect and it 'also expressed on 13

A study by Patrick McGowan, published in 'Nature Neuroscience', finally has shown that people who commit suicide and had subi'to childhood sexual and physical abuse, show an alteration of the receptor gene

"The results of this research are an important scientific progress - says John Biggs, chairman of Sinpf - since 'show that it is possible, with a lifestyle change the function of our genes and those of future generations, thus improving their overall health.
It 'important to remember, however,' which epigenetic changes are not permanent, 'cause epigenetic and not' a synonym for evolution. epigenetic changes are the biological response to the style and can return to their original programming. There 's a limit everything. In fact, while we can change the function of genes, the DNA structure remains unchanged. "

Source: Adnkronos / Adnkronos Health


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