Friday, October 1, 2010

Fishing Wedding Center Pieces

against osteoporosis, a protein that strengthens bones. Adjustment is favoring the production of osteoblasts

Adjust protein to promote the generation of osteoblasts - the cells that form the bones - and inhibit the production of fat cells: the new technique, developed by Japanese researchers of the Medical and Dental University in Tokyo led by Hiroshi Takayanagi a study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, opens a new way to defeat osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to become progressively more fragile and prone to fractures because of decreased bone mass density that characterizes them.

The bones are formed by osteoblasts produced by mesenchymal cells, the researchers said: If recent studies have suggested that the weakening of bone structure was due to a decrease in osteoblasts, the study led by Hiroshi Takayanagi states that this imbalance is because that the mesenchymal cells, after a certain age, they begin to produce fat cells instead of osteoblasts, making bone more fragile. The study found that imposing the Maf protein may promote the generation of osteoblasts and suppress that of fat cells.

Source: AGI-Science


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