long day of sincere libertarian militant
D to 'busy agenda of a genuinely democratic activist. "Get off in the square, to organize parade and rally and set up the stage for actors and singers in the Piazza del Popolo in defense of the Constitution under attack recently. Prepare tricolor ribbons and flags for the 'Anniversary of the' Unity 'Italy recently under attack: Review of the words' national anthem using the master class in Sanremo (most recently under attack by the victory of genuinely democratic Vecchioni) held by Roberto Benigni. Take to the streets and organize events with creative slogans and climb on roofs to protest against the reform Gelmini 's University who has put under attack the fundamental rights of students. March and organize human chain and set up the stage (with turnover) of actors and singers to the square of the People for the defense of the legality under attack recently. In general, pay attention to the contents of the event not to be confused and make the flag where you want the purple flag, or the rainbow. Keep the red just for the event, with stage set up for actors and singers in the Piazza del Popolo, in favor of the Fiom recently come under attack. Take to the streets, organize the event and set up the stage for actresses and singers in the Piazza del Popolo, in defending the dignity of woman under attack recently. Take to the streets, set up slogans, posters and banners for the demonstration in defense of press freedom under attack recently. Pay attention to the signatures of actors, singers, intellectuals and artists in general not to give the 'impression of a certain repetitiveness. Then organize rally to support the general strike in defense of fundamental rights under attack recently. Take to the streets and find new creative slogan for the event, which will end in Piazza del Popolo with a stage full of actors and singers, to defend the public school recently converged under attack. " "Get off the streets and organize protest of the official celebrations of 25 April, whose meaning has been under attack recently. Finding an actor or singer who can make a complaint to the content of the first stage under attack last May. Take to the streets, fill up placards and banners, and set up the stage (with turnover) for actors and singers, for the demonstration in defense of culture and entertainment recently come under attack. Postponing down the streets for the Sunday of May when there will be elections: a boring and totally unnecessary given that we will lose again because of the cultural model imposed by Drive. Drive in the streets against "
Pierluigi Battista
Me I'm always asked, but why so hard? It 'amazing.
All 'dinner time a lot of people pull up the phone and calls to radio talk politics: Cruciani, Scissors and Radio Popolare are the most diligent to catch this need.
And without going so far, but because we feel the 'need to tell our blog on a semi-desert? Perhaps because
profess a 'Ideology makes us feel good, like a religion. These center-being, even when our troubled secretion is an 'indifferent drop in the bucket, even when paradise is only a weak entity chimerical.
I see an 'analysis of' ideology related with the 'sociological analysis of the hobby. Profess an 'ideology is similar to a tremendous day out, a picnic, a day off. 'S ideology is "free time".
Free but never empty: it 's important cluttered with things we can neglecting to rationality.
disseminate a slight but pervasive bureaucracy is vital, always gives a touch of seriousness to things, the feeling of being a stroll. Perspiration increases the 'self-esteem, you know, when' who also was to dig holes and then fill them.
L 'ideology' s huge advantage of not combine with the "bets": you do not win and you lose, there 'is competition, no reckoning, no responsibility ... free at last. Free to scream, to sing, to split hairs in a ruminant soliloquy to extend right to the ever-supportive "parrocchietta.
And if, years later, nodes were laid on the table and the errors become unavoidable, and even pose as a nice "losers" who simply dream of a better world being romantically "in the wrong."
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