Wilma takes the club.
According to Susan Cross and Laura Madsen women are more predisposed towards "socializzzione ... we get a phenomenon like that of the attacks, according to scholars because women tend to avoid them more committed to the preservation of social bonds ... is an explanation to 'apparently plausible but, quite simply, does not agree with the observed facts ... studying what happens in intimate relationships, researchers have noticed how women express aggression unexpected ... this surpasses their ability the male ... It is not politically correct to say it, but this conclusion is supported by consolidated evidence ... In other words, is more likely that the woman is psychologically and physically attacking his partner - you go from slap to 'use of deadly weapons ... These attacks do not receive 's attention that the average allocation to male aggression for several reasons ... 1. 's man is less likely to report violence received ... 2. when there is mutual violence, the police tend to focus on 'man ... 3. women seem more comfortable in the role of victims ... 4. (By far the most important reason) that men are bigger and bigger and, with the same violent intent, the damage is much larger ... Women are also responsible for the majority of child abuse, although this finding is weakened by consideration that they spend more time with the children ... the fact is that, considering the 'evidence, women are more likely to violence if the' survey is limited to intimate relationships ... however, she hardly hit a stranger ... a woman also expressed resistance to press a button to kill enemies far away and unknown, even when they are still valid reasons ... but the thing that 'man is apt to do if his calculations there is a convenience ... the field studies also tell us that the 'man "help" than the woman, but because much of the research focuses on situations where the benefit is an almost unknown or ... in fact the 'attachment of women for family members appears to be greater than that expressed by 'man ... conclude by saying that women have more social skills only if we define "social" equivalent to "one-to-one close intimate relation", but in cases in which they are involved "Broader group connection 'the man seems more sensitive, for better or bad ... I feel obliged to add that after the 'documented exposure of our subjects, and Laura Susan Cross Masden have abandoned their positions prior to move gradually to coincide with the interpretations given here too ... that is how science should work ... "
Roy Baumeister - Is there anything good about men?
Curious about the experiments conducted on "children in the yard" left to play for a 'now, boys, perhaps superficially, good or bad all interact with each other and girls, by contrast, tend to create small groups that bind while very isolating. Even the 'introduction of "third party" to trouble' internal torque from different outcomes: boys tend to receive, the girls do, however, the wall. Results are consistent with the fact that she is more concerned to safeguard the 'quality of intimacy and connection, the male to extend it.
SOURCES: on women more prone to violence as a couple, the meta is more comprehensive than J. Archer: Sex Differences in aggression betwen heterosexsual partners: a review metanalytical - Psychological Bulletin, 126, 697-702.
add: http://www.west-info.eu/it/uomini-vittime-di-violenza/
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