Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Do Muslims Wear Shorts?


The "false" makes us false: for clothes, accessories, shoes that do to the great designers, in a few words the many counterfeit products seems to have effects psychological nothing positive about us, lead us to behave in a manner not entirely honest, to be more cynical and shifty-eyed towards others.

E 'as shown in a series of experiments conducted by Francesca Gino Italian researcher working at Harvard Business School in Boston, whose results appeared recently in the journal Psychological Science. How to interpret?
It 'possible that the use of counterfeit products has an effect quite different from the gratifying illusion of wearing the original, and a worm that creeps into us making us feel less autentici.CiĆ², in return, could not compel us to conduct all beyond reproach.

The expert has made a series of tests on women who were given spectacles and trendy brand. A part of Women have been told, even if it was not true, that the glasses were of the fake Chloe, that is a counterfeit trademark. After that the entire sample was tested with a series of tests to measure their level of honesty.

the first trial women had to answer math quiz and then autopremiarsi if the answer is correct. Well, 70% of women who wore glasses 'false', unaware of being spied on, cheats rewarding when you do not have the right, but it only does 30% of those who knew how to wear sunglasses authentic.

This result was repeated in other tests, showing that women who wear fake cheat more. But not over, psychological tests in these women were also more cynical and less trusting toward others. The conclusion is clear: counterfeiting hurts not only the economy but also to persons who can not afford the originals, and use them.



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