Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Infant Sun Hat Wholesale

Are you right or left? Determine the areas of the brain

E 'all started from a joke British actor Colin Firth: repented supporter of the Liberal Democrats, the protagonist of King's Speech had told the BBC that their leader Nick Clegg "should scan the brain."

A neuroscientist took him at his word: he examined the gray mass of two members of Parliament and 90 students and concluded that the brains of those who tend to support a conservative party is different from that of those who thinks the left. Election campaigns, posters and debates on television are therefore unnecessary to change the flag to an individual, as a political convictions are determined by the development of the brain more than passion, ended Geraint Reese, director of the Institute of Cognitive Neeuroscience University College London (UCL).

Rees has noted a "strong correlation" between the thickness of two areas of gray matter, amygdala and anterior cingulate, and the political convictions of the person. The "guinea pigs", which included MPs Stephen Pound, Labour and Tory Alan Duncan, had all decided political opinions. Who thought of them to the right amygdala had the most developed, while the ideas of the left anterior cingulate were tied to a more often. The amygdala, almond-shaped area in the center of the brain is usually associated with feelings such as anxiety and other strong emotions, while the area of \u200b\u200bthe anterior cingulate would be responsible for qualities such as courage, optimism and the ability to resolve complex situations in which the data available to contrast with each other.

Examination of the brains of Pound and Duncan confirmed the theory: the 'scan' of the man revealed an anterior cingulate Labour more often than that of Tory MPs, while in both the amygdala had a comparable size. "We were really surprised," Rees said: "It 's the proof that our political views are encoded in the structure of the brain, or that there is something in our brain that determines our political views." Remains to be seen, since the guinea pigs were all adults, whether the thickening of the areas 'policies' of the brain was there from birth or has developed differently over the years.

The research, which will be published next year but of which damage the British news media, supports previous studies at the University of California that some people would be born with a 'gene progressive', the neurotransmitter DRD4, which makes them more prone to embrace unconventional positions. Other scientists, however, had asked to be taken lightly these results: the picture that emerges from it in fact describes the man-conservative as "stupid" and "lover of routine," while its counterpart as a liberal "open" and the "free spirit" .

Source: / articles / science


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