Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ideas For Tiled Walk In Showers

Press Release Codemotion

The Javaday changes and becomes Codemotion

Javaday For four years, Rome has offered a unique event in Italy for content, flow and spirit. The captivating atmosphere of Javaday has earned and involve the participants and sponsors. To continue to be the landmark event for developers, the Javaday evolves and becomes Codemotion.

Codemotion takes a big leap compared to Javaday: open to all languages \u200b\u200band technologies, catalyzing even more sources of creativity and job opportunities. Finally, shifts the focus from a product (Java, at the time of Sun, now Oracle) to discipline means the planning for the benefit of all. The

Codemotion be held in Rome on 5 March 2011.
The entrance to the event is free as always.
For further information:


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